Since my childhood economics and game theory have always interested me, even to the point of co-publishing a strategy board game of my own design. When I first read about Bitcoin in 2011, I was largely uninterested, focusing too much on the currency aspect rather than the technology. However, when I revisited it in early 2013, I began to realise new possibilities opening up between the fields of ITC and game theory, and the inevitable social change to which this would lead. A mutual friend made the introduction to Vitalik that year and Ethereum has dominated my life since.
Having founded Ethereum with Vitalik, I coded the first functional implementation of Ethereum released as "PoC-1" in late January 2014, invented the Solidity contract language and wrote the Yellow Paper, the first formal specification of any blockchain protocol and one of the key ways Ethereum distinguishes itself from other blockchain-based systems. My original ideas for a decentralised web date back to early 2013, but my first post on the topic was in April 2014, later followed by ios用什么上谷歌.
Prior to Ethereum, I accrued a masters degree and doctorate in computer science. I consulted for Microsoft Research on technical aspects of embedded domain-specific languages, designed and implemented the first truly smart lighting controller for one of London's top nightclubs, designed and implemented most of the world's first C++ language workbench, and built the software systems of OxLegal, a smart text contract-editor.